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How does DataCandy work?
Engage your members with automated and timed promos
Easily create automated and time-based promotions in DataCandy to boost loyalty and revenue. From birthdays to seasonal offers, set rules, customize messages, and drive engagement on autopilot.
Get program insights from your dashboard
Customize your dashboard with real-time widgets to monitor your gift card and loyalty programs. Compare member spend, analyze sales, and tailor reports. Easily gain powerful insights.
Use gift cards to grow your business
Different gift cards for different scenarios, so you can attract more customers, generate more cash flow, and solve customer service issues.
Versatile loyalty rewards options for your business
Customize your loyalty rewards to convert casual customers into regulars. Choose between earn-and-burn points or punch card rewards. Setup is easy with brand customization and direct integration.
Maximize engagement with an e-Loyalty program
Use e-Loyalty for seamless integration with Apple/Google wallets, easy registration, and a personalized member portal for the modern loyalty member.
Send timely rewards promotions whenever you choose
Customize loyalty with time-based promotions. Offer bonus points or multipliers on special days to drive repeat visits. Ideal for holidays and launches.
Set up automated campaigns that run in the background
Delight customers with automated SMS/email campaigns. Send personalized promotions for milestones, birthdays, and more. Drive revenue with DataCandy’s targeted loyalty marketing.
Generate online reviews from your best loyalty members
With automated review requests, turn loyal customers into brand advocates. Connect to major review sites and enjoy a surge in 5-star reviews. Boost trust and business growth effortlessly.
Track your loyalty program success with analytics
Monitor your programs’ performance with DataCandy's dashboard. Gain insights on sales, visits, and spending habits to grow your business. Easy-to-understand reports for impactful decisions.
Large enterprise or franchise? Discover Datacandy Pro firsthand
If you're looking for a comprehensive and robust solution to meet your organization's unique needs, look no further than DataCandy Pro! We'd love to show you just how powerful our solution is with a personalized demo.
- Import existing program data
- Targeting & segmentation
- SKU-based rewards