Drive repeat business from every transaction

Use the DataCandy Pro loyalty management platform to design seamless and unforgettable experiences across all your locations, ensuring customer loyalty for years to come.
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Loyalty Program

Advanced loyalty management software tools for high-volume businesses

loyalty management platform - sku-based loyalty

SKU-based loyalty

Link rewards to specific products to encourage targeted purchasing behavior. Our SKU loyalty programs transform generic transactions into unique, memorable experiences that deepen your members' connection with your brand.
loyalty management platform - targeting and segmentation

Targeting & segmentation

With granular campaign targeting, your marketing messages will hit the mark every time, allowing you to engage with different member segments effectively. Create customer loyalty schemes that cultivate meaningful connections beyond the surface and take the member experience to the next level.
loyalty management platform - membership tiers

Membership tiers

Transform your occasional shoppers into devoted brand advocates by dynamically recognizing and incentivizing your most loyal members with tiered loyalty programs. Your members unlock new perks and privileges with each level up, creating a thrilling and engaging journey towards brand allegiance.
loyalty management platform - sku-based loyalty
loyalty management platform - targeting and segmentation
loyalty management platform - membership tiers

Maximize engagement by offering points-based rewards

Give your members the chance to earn points for purchases and redeem them for discounts, products, or experiences. Our loyalty points software offers a flexible, engaging way to reward loyalty and encourage repeat business.
Loyalty Marketing

Easily communicate with your members with SMS & email marketing tools

Targeted Promotions

Leverage your member data with our loyalty management software to launch promotions tailored to individual preferences and behaviors. Drive engagement and sales by reaching the right members with the right offers at the right times.

loyalty management platform - loyalty marketing

Automated Offers

Set up automatic triggers for offers based on customer actions or milestones, such as birthdays or purchase anniversaries. Saving time while maintaining a personal touch in your loyalty program.

loyalty management platform - automated offers


Our enterprise loyalty platform will engage and excite your members as they collect points towards exclusive rewards, turning every purchase a step closer to their next milestone.

loyalty management platform - gamification
loyalty managmenet software - reputation management
Reputation Management

Get 4x more online reviews

The DataCandy Pro Reviews feature allows you to gather and display online reviews from your loyalty members, helping you build a positive online reputation and gain the trust of potential customers. It's an easy and effective way to encourage your most devoted customers to share their experiences about your brand.
loyalty management platform - reputation marketing
Reputation Marketing

Share your reviews where they’ll get seen

No more lost hours posting on social media. DataCandy’s reputation marketing feature will amplify your social media with engaging review-based content and showcase enhanced reviews on your website to boost traffic, engagement, and sales.
loyalty management platform - leaderboard
Customer Feedback

Motivate staff & uncover valuable customer insights

DataCandy gathers customer feedback from platforms like Google, Facebook, and Yelp so you can analyze customer sentiment for valuable insights. You can also track your top-performing staff members with a leaderboard that gathers their mentions to help your team improve and grow.
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loyalty management platform - reputation marketing
loyalty management platform - leaderboard

No more guesswork, only pure actionable insights

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Dashboards & reporting

Visualize your program metrics and make informed decisions with our customizable dashboards, reports, and loyalty program data analytics.

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Imports & exports

Manage your customer loyalty analytics data with seamless imports and exports to see the full picture.

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Automated clearing house

Reconciliation is a breeze with ACH, removing any friction from transactions between your locations.

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API Support

Our team is ready to help if you’d like your own customized integration.

Gift Card Program

Activate, sell, and redeem gift cards to attract even more new business.

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Effortless integration to your in-store and online solutions

  • POS & Payment processors
  • Online ordering
  • 3rd parties: CAA, Airmiles, Blackhawk + more
See our integration partners
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Stand out from the competition

79% of customers are more likely to continue buying from a brand that has a loyalty program.

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Increase customer spending

Loyalty members spend 66% more compared to other customers to maximize their rewards

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Grow brand awareness

86% of people that are loyal to a brand will recommend that brand to friends and family.

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Generate repeat visits

75% of customers report they are more likely to make another purchase after receiving a loyalty reward

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Improve customer retention

82% of people say personalized and exclusive offers increase how often they shop with a brand.

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Boost transaction size

Repeat customers spend 25% more per transaction than regular customers.

What customers have to say about DataCandy Pro

Copper Branch Review (1)

"We now send out bi-monthly newsletters, since 85% of our emails are being generated through the program. We have insight into which promos worked best and are most attractive to our customers, which gives us a competitive edge."

Andrew I.
Copper Branch
edo japan review

"You have to partner with innovative companies to evolve and stay successful. DataCandy is pioneering what’s next in terms of digital automation and marketing tools. The long-term vision and opportunities they have mapped out got us excited."

Nick N.
Edo Japan
America’s_Thrift_Store_Review (1)

We have 29 locations, we gained 118,000 members in 5 years and increased our loyalty member sales 18X to $23.5M by 2023.

America’s Thrift Stores

Use DataCandy Pro's loyalty management platform for customer-driven growth

Grow your business with the proven system of selling gift cards, rewarding loyalty, automating offers, and showcasing reviews.

Get in touch